Jo Thompson Landscape & Garden Design
Creative Studios in London & East Sussex
Jo Thompson has an international reputation for creating beautifully crafted and sustainable landscapes that stand the test of time, with a commitment to biodiversity, exquisite and intelligent planting and an accomplished understanding of space.
Planting is soft, relaxed in manner and painterly in style. Houses are allowed to settle into their space whilst nature settles in all around. From wildflower meadows to herbaceous borders planted with roses and perennials, to coastal garden grasses and wind-resistant rooftop trees, the picture changes with the seasons.
Invited to restore, advise on and gently intervene into landscapes and gardens originally designed by, amongst others, Humphry Repton, Vita Sackville-West, Percy Cane and Nathaniel Lloyd, there is always a consideration of who and what has gone before, and who and what is yet to come in.
Working across the UK and internationally from Italy to New York, projects range from wildflower meadows and herbaceous borders planted with roses and perennials, to coastal gardens and rooftop terraces, the picture changes with the seasons.
“Much sought after for her romantic and exquisitely planted natural gardens”
House & Garden
“Jo Thompson’s blend of romantic English planting with a strong sense of respect for biodiversity must be the magic formula.”
Country & Town House
“Expert plantswoman Jo Thompson runs a leading architectural-garden design studio, known for creating gardens that are sensitive to their location and history, as well as intelligently planted”
Country Life

Latest press coverage

To celebrate the publication of her new book, The New Romantic Garden, Jo will be speaking at a special lunch

The Garden Museum will host the official launch of Jo’s latest book The New Romantic Garden at a special event on Tuesday

This month’s Garden Design Journal interviews Jo about the show garden she made at the GBA Shenzhen Flower Show, which

Jo will be sharing ideas from her new book, The New Romantic Garden, at a special event on 6th March for